Presented at Agile Testing Days 2018

I was honoured by being voted as one of the community talks for Agile Testing Days 2018. My talk Mind the Gap was about how we can improve our ability to act rather than react. Based on Virginia Satir’s model ‘ingredients of an interaction’, I gave some tips on how to exploit the time between stimulus and response to make more conscious choices in life. 

Agile Testing Days 2018

Beautiful graphics by Ekaterina Budnikov @KatjaBudnikov

Leadership Training Opportunity in May

Welcome to the “Centered Leadership – You and Me, Here and Now”-training that Viktor Cessan and I will host May 22-23 at beautiful Yasuragi Hotel outside Stockholm.

The training is based on tools and methods developed by pioneering family therapist Virginia Satir and is aimed at helping you as a leader to interact with the people around you more congruently. You will learn techniques for becoming more centered in yourself before interacting with others, to connect more deeply with other people and to stay relevant in the current context. You will also learn about ‘coping stances’ that interfere with authentic communication and how to replace them with more effective and empowering alternatives.

Being a congruent leader means that you will experience an enhanced ability to create new options and act on them in difficult situations while balancing your own needs with the needs of people around you.

For registration and more information, please visit .

If you have any questions feel free to contact me directly (different alternatives at the bottom of my home page).

Centered Leadership

Presented at PMI Sweden

Last week I had the opportunity to do a presentation for the PMI Sweden Chapter on successful agile transformations. We talked about several success factors and five different transformation/implementation patterns that I’ve observed over the years.

Let me know if your organization is about to embark on an agile transformation and want guidance and coaching.